Sunday, October 26, 2008

[What's What With the Walkers] What's What with Walkers 10-25-08

Thank You LORD!! - (Farewell party summary)

    Wow, thank you to so many of you who were able to come and spend some time with us yesterday.  It was a beautiful picture seeing so many of our ministry partners meeting one another as we celebrated our soon return to Papua New Guinea!  Thank you to our in-laws Jim & Donna Tuinstra and Terry & Jean Smit and others who worked to see the event turn out so well!  With the intention of raising money to purchase plane tickets, we saw a total of $4,885.00 raised just yesterday alone.  Added to other gifts we've been receiving for months now, we can now say that barring a doubling in ticket prices, our tickets have been paid for!!  Now we can begin to chip away at the other ministry expenses involved in our return to ministry in PNG.  Additionally several individuals took information on how to partner with us financially.  With additional commitments given yesterday we are now calculating our support to be at 78% that brings to within $788.88 of meeting Calvary Church of Wayland's minimum requirement of 90% of our monthly support.  (For further details on our support status and out-going needs, click here)

Instant Buddies!

    Our partner Geoff Husa has been involved in a translation workshop the last couple of weeks.  We were so blessed to hear how his translations helpers (also dear friends of ours, and some of Chris's translation helpers) enjoyed the fellowship of other Christian men.  Below is an email excerpt from a letter that Geoff wrote while at a translation workshop along with Sesi & Lucas.
    "The first evening we were here, I went down to hang out with Sesi and Lucas and see how they were feeling about things. I got there and Sesi has this huge perma-smile going and starts telling me about how happy he is that all the other nationals at this workshop are believers. He explained how that within an hour or two of everyone being there they'd all shared how they came to know the Lord and even shared some songs that they typically sing in worship to God. I seem to recall him excitedly commenting something to the effect that we're all different but we're all the same. Later, we were all outside sitting around a little fire. The whole conversation was filled with joy and happiness as these guys talked about the different things that they're learning about God and how His truth has been affecting their lives. I listened to this continue on well into the evening, just soaking it in. It was so great to watch and listen to the fellowship of these men! I mean, here are these guys who are separated by many many miles, rivers, mountains, etc. They all speak different languages (yet share a common trade language). They've never met each other in the past and many of them have never even heard of the places that they all came from. Yet as soon as they find out that these total strangers share the commonality of Jesus, they're instant buddies. They took such joy in talking about and discovering how, though their cultures are so different the truth that they're learning to live by is the same. It was just so spontaneous and genuine and I really treasured that moment sitting there listening to and sensing the joy that Sesi and Lucas felt as they met these other brothers in the Lord! It deeply challenged me about the fellowship that I often take for granted in my own life!"

3 Weeks left!

    Though we haven't yet purchased our plane tickets, our current plan is to return to PNG the 17th of November.  One particular matter of prayer right now is (yes, we've seen this before) we haven't yet received our visa for Titus!  The rest of the family has received our approval for our visas, so we now just wait for Titus.  Speaking with some friends of our who have fairly recently returned to PNG with their new babies, some have had to delay their return by as much as 2 months!!  We pray this isn't the case for us.  So while we can't be 100% of our departure date at this point, we are nonethess 100% looking forward to returning ASAP.  In the meantime, we are relish every opportunity to spend time with friends and family.  If you weren't able to visit us yesterday but would like to make a point of doing so, allow us to extend an open invitation to anyone to give us a call or stop in on us.  Our contact information is as follows.
Angie Cell# 269-509-7551
Chris Cell# 616-217-6595
Skype Phone 269-793-9160
Our apartment address is 1029 129th Ave, Wayland MI (NOTE: Please do not send mail to this address!)

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If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this e-mail, your message will be redirected to us.


Chris and Angie Walker
Sent out by Calvary Church of Wayland Mi, to serve with
New Tribes Mission
planting churches among the Mibu People of
Papua New Guinea.

Business address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
1000 East 1st st.
Sanford, FL  32771

Home Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
1134 - 122nd Ave
Martin, Mi 49070

Field Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
Private Mail Bag
Madang MP 511
Papua New Guinea

Important Family Dates.
Titus 03/21/08, Baruch 09/08/04 Jael 02/24/01 Walker Anniversary 06/21/96 Chris 03/25/76 Angie 08/12/77

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

More Sample Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur arcu lacus, hendrerit non, blandit vel, molestie at, purus. Praesent posuere. Aenean vehicula. Proin enim dolor, eleifend lacinia, venenatis id, sagittis condimentum, metus. Quisque eros. Vestibulum pede nibh, iaculis id, tempus in, hendrerit sit amet, dolor. Cras at felis. Mauris velit nulla, eleifend nec, lacinia ac, imperdiet nec, lorem. Integer ut nisi eu nisi aliquam accumsan. In mattis vehicula libero.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur arcu lacus, hendrerit non, blandit vel, molestie at, purus. Praesent posuere. Aenean vehicula. Proin enim dolor, eleifend lacinia, venenatis id, sagittis condimentum, metus. Quisque eros. Vestibulum pede nibh, iaculis id, tempus in, hendrerit sit amet, dolor. Cras at felis. Mauris velit nulla, eleifend nec, lacinia ac, imperdiet nec, lorem. Integer ut nisi eu nisi aliquam accumsan. In mattis vehicula libero.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur arcu lacus, hendrerit non, blandit vel, molestie at, purus. Praesent posuere. Aenean vehicula. Proin enim dolor, eleifend lacinia, venenatis id, sagittis condimentum, metus. Quisque eros. Vestibulum pede nibh, iaculis id, tempus in, hendrerit sit amet, dolor. Cras at felis. Mauris velit nulla, eleifend nec, lacinia ac, imperdiet nec, lorem. Integer ut nisi eu nisi aliquam accumsan. In mattis vehicula libero.

Sample Day

Testing takes a long time, especially when I have to figure out what to write for my sample data.

No pics yet

Hiya there, just thought I'd throw in a picture while I was at it!!


Yahoo, yahoo.

We would really like to make this work! And the reality of it is????????????????????

Yup, It's working :) Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!! Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!! Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!! Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!! Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!!

Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!! Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!! Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!! Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!!
Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!!

Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!! Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!! Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!!

Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!! Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!! Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!! Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!! Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!! Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!! Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!! Hurray, Yahooo, Bugaboo!!!

One more test

It's been really goofy sometimes, but oh well, what does that really matter.

Not bad, not bad at all

Feed2Post, the ultimate time saving tool. Feed2post allows you to get content in minutes from any RSS/Atom feed and repeat the content gathering with just a few clicks. It will also improve your page SEO as it can filter the content using keywords and negative keywords. Items posted can get advertising inserted automatically, no more editing to get your google ads into each post, just set the advertising field to your ad code...
Fully configurable, each feed can be configured with different parameters (such as section/category, etc).

New! feed2post version 2.6 Native component for Joomla 1.5 framework.

Demo site available, check it and use: user: demoadmin pass: demoadmin

Demo for joomla 1.5 component, check it at with the same access credentials as stated above.

Bad Bad Bad Garbage!!!!!!!

Feed2Post, the ultimate time saving tool. Feed2post allows you to get content in minutes from any RSS/Atom feed and repeat the content gathering with just a few clicks. It will also improve your page SEO as it can filter the content using keywords and negative keywords. Items posted can get advertising inserted automatically, no more editing to get your google ads into each post, just set the advertising field to your ad code...
Fully configurable, each feed can be configured with different parameters (such as section/category, etc).

New! feed2post version 2.6 Native component for Joomla 1.5 framework.

Demo site available, check it and use: user: demoadmin pass: demoadmin

Demo for joomla 1.5 component, check it at with the same access credentials as stated above.

Endless Junk

Endless Junk.

I have long thought that emails and blogs without content shouldn't be thought of, shouldn't be see, should be left to the forgotten wastes of dead pixels and floppy disks. But alas, they keep showing up in searches, I keep seeing them encroaching into my day.
I am annoyed. But what can be done.

Endless Junk.

I have long thought that emails and blogs without content shouldn't be thought of, shouldn't be see, should be left to the forgotten wastes of dead pixels and floppy disks. But alas, they keep showing up in searches, I keep seeing them encroaching into my day.
I am annoyed. But what can be done.

Endless Junk.

I have long thought that emails and blogs without content shouldn't be thought of, shouldn't be see, should be left to the forgotten wastes of dead pixels and floppy disks. But alas, they keep showing up in searches, I keep seeing them encroaching into my day.
I am annoyed. But what can be done.

Endless Junk.

I have long thought that emails and blogs without content shouldn't be thought of, shouldn't be see, should be left to the forgotten wastes of dead pixels and floppy disks. But alas, they keep showing up in searches, I keep seeing them encroaching into my day.
I am annoyed. But what can be done.