Sunday, December 5, 2010

That which is perfect is come!

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and Christmas is rapidly approaching! Living half way around the world hasn't removed us from the hustle and bustle of Christmas! This coming week we have a couple all afternoon rehearsals for the elementary school Christmas Concert that Angie will be playing for, with the performance on Friday night. Saturday is the computer department's Christmas party, and next week is the last of school before Christmas is finally HERE!!! Our family LOVES this time of year as we remember the birth of a tiny baby boy who's life was destined to change the course of history around the world! Our Christmas decorations still feel out of place without the snow to go with it in the background, but the white lights on the tree, and the Christmas music playing from our iPod helps. Just tonight, the kids broke out in "Jingle Bells" around the dinner table, and we had a riot as Titus tried to sing along as well ("Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells...HEY...jingle bells....).

Chris's Bible study continues to move ahead. They have moved from the Old Testament, past the Christmas story, and are now teaching in the life of Christ, just recently on the story of Nicodemus. While some of the participants seem to be truly soaking in the truths they are hearing, we remain uncertain of where others are at. A few weeks ago there was meeting RIGHT across the street from us where a self-proclaimed "prophet" came to speak. As the day approached and preparations were made, there was a LOT of curiosity and speculation as to what this man might have to say. The day before the meeting, my work girl (who has also been attending this Bible study) asked for time off the next day so she could attend. She said she just wanted to see what it was all about. While I feared for what she might hear, I couldn't tell her "no". So I gave her the time off. That afternoon was Chris's Bible study, and when she came back from that, she was VERY passionate about what the Lord had taught her. I'm not even sure what the lesson was on that day, but she came back proclaiming that she was no longer interested in attending this meeting across the street. She said, "the time for the prophets is finished! There was a time for them and God used them greatly, but NOW we have ALL of the Bible...ALL of God's word to us. A man who calls himself a prophet from God is lying...the time for that is past". I was moved to tears to hear her profess all of this. She ended up caving to social pressure to attend the following morning though, but sat off to the side and just listened and observed. It was gratifying to hear that some others from the Chris's Bible study were also there, and along with others who know the truth of God's word they were listening closely and holding everything that was said up against scripture...not taking for granted what the man said was truth, but comparing to their source of truth to determine it accordingly!

There has also been a big movement lately among the national churches to promote the "Planim Post" teaching. This is the Pigin version of the chronological teaching that we use in the tribes. It starts in Genesis and builds a foundation of WHO God is and who man is, covering promises and the characteristics of God and main themes from the Old Testament and moving into the New Testament to show how these are all fulfilled in Christ. National churches are taking it upon themselves to break out of their geographical circles and go into neighboring areas to promote this teaching. As a result, many new areas are requesting these national churches to send teachers to present the whole of the teaching to them. God is doing a mighty work, and it is most thrilling to us to see Him using now third and fourth generations of national believers to do it! Much work remains to be done though, in the isolated areas where the folks don't speak as much Pigin, or it's much harder for outsiders to get to, be they nationals or expats. There is the ever present need of MORE LABORERS for the harvest!

And it's not just tribal missionaries that are needed either! While Chris and the other IT guys in the computer department scramble to continue to serve as efficiently as possible the hundreds of missionaries and departments here on the field, we have also been informed of the URGENT need for more teachers at our MK school. Particularly in the High School, teachers are needed for the upcoming 2011-2012 school year, as many teachers are going on furlough. With the end of the year looming, and the start of a new year upon us, perhaps the Lord might lay it upon your heart to consider serving for a year or two in some support ministry overseas. Teachers and computer nerds aren't the only things needed! Business administrators, accountants, maintenance, engineers, nurses...the list goes on and on. The need is great, and God uses people like you and me to fill those needs and further His Kingdom here on earth. (Go to to see a complete list of career needs in PNG.)

We ask you to pray for Jael as she will be evaluated Dec. 20-21. Pray that she will be alert and that she will be able to recall the things she knows.

We pray you have a wonderful CHRISTmas Holiday, as we remember the reason we have to be joyful...God became man, and dwelt among us. We beheld His glory...full of grace and truth!

Because of Him,
Chris, Angie, Jael, Baruch and Titus Walker

That which is perfect is come!

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and Christmas is rapidly approaching!
Living half way around the world hasn't removed us from the hustle and
bustle of Christmas! This coming week we have a couple all afternoon
rehearsals for the elementary school Christmas Concert that Angie will
be playing for, with the performance on Friday night. Saturday is the
computer department's Christmas party, and next week is the last of
school before Christmas is finally HERE!!! Our family LOVES this time
of year as we remember the birth of a tiny baby boy who's life was
destined to change the course of history around the world! Our
Christmas decorations still feel out of place without the snow to go
with it in the background, but the white lights on the tree, and the
Christmas music playing from our iPod helps. Just tonight, the kids
broke out in "Jingle Bells" around the dinner table, and we had a riot
as Titus tried to sing along as well ("Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells...HEY...jingle bells....).

Chris's Bible study continues to move ahead. They have moved from the
Old Testament, past the Christmas story, and are now teaching in the
life of Christ, just recently on the story of Nicodemus. While some of
the participants seem to be truly soaking in the truths they are
hearing, we remain uncertain of where others are at. A few weeks ago
there was meeting RIGHT across the street from us where a
self-proclaimed "prophet" came to speak. As the day approached and
preparations were made, there was a LOT of curiosity and speculation as
to what this man might have to say. The day before the meeting, my work
girl (who has also been attending this Bible study) asked for time off
the next day so she could attend. She said she just wanted to see what
it was all about. While I feared for what she might hear, I couldn't
tell her "no". So I gave her the time off. That afternoon was Chris's
Bible study, and when she came back from that, she was VERY passionate
about what the Lord had taught her. I'm not even sure what the lesson
was on that day, but she came back proclaiming that she was no longer
interested in attending this meeting across the street. She said, "the
time for the prophets is finished! There was a time for them and God
used them greatly, but NOW we have ALL of the Bible...ALL of God's word
to us. A man who calls himself a prophet from God is lying...the time
for that is past". I was moved to tears to hear her profess all of
this. She ended up caving to social pressure to attend the following
morning though, but sat off to the side and just listened and observed.
It was gratifying to hear that some others from the Chris's Bible study
were also there, and along with others who know the truth of God's word
they were listening closely and holding everything that was said up
against scripture...not taking for granted what the man said was truth,
but comparing to their source of truth to determine it accordingly!

There has also been a big movement lately among the national churches to
promote the "Planim Post" teaching. This is the Pigin version of the
chronological teaching that we use in the tribes. It starts in Genesis
and builds a foundation of WHO God is and who man is, covering promises
and the characteristics of God and main themes from the Old Testament
and moving into the New Testament to show how these are all fulfilled in
Christ. National churches are taking it upon themselves to break out of
their geographical circles and go into neighboring areas to promote this
teaching. As a result, many new areas are requesting these national
churches to send teachers to present the whole of the teaching to
them. God is doing a mighty work, and it is most thrilling to us to
see Him using now third and fourth generations of national believers to
do it! Much work remains to be done though, in the isolated areas where
the folks don't speak as much Pigin, or it's much harder for outsiders
to get to, be they nationals or expats. There is the ever present need
of MORE LABORERS for the harvest!

And it's not just tribal missionaries that are needed either! While
Chris and the other IT guys in the computer department scramble to
continue to serve as efficiently as possible the hundreds of
missionaries and departments here on the field, we have also been
informed of the URGENT need for more teachers at our MK school.
Particularly in the High School, teachers are needed for the upcoming
2011-2012 school year, as many teachers are going on furlough. With the
end of the year looming, and the start of a new year upon us, perhaps
the Lord might lay it upon your heart to consider serving for a year or
two in some support ministry overseas. Teachers and computer nerds
aren't the only things needed! Business administrators, accountants,
maintenance, engineers, nurses...the list goes on and on. The need is
great, and God uses people like you and me to fill those needs and
further His Kingdom here on earth. (Go to to see a
complete list of career needs in PNG.)

We ask you to pray for Jael as she will be evaluated Dec. 20-21. Pray
that she will be alert and that she will be able to recall the things
she knows.

We pray you have a wonderful CHRISTmas Holiday, as we remember the
reason we have to be joyful...God became man, and dwelt among us. We
beheld His glory...full of grace and truth!

Because of Him,
Chris, Angie, Jael, Baruch and Titus Walker

Thursday, October 7, 2010

PGA in PNG!?!?

A Time of Refreshment

    Our annual, regional conference has just finished!  What a wonderful time of reconnecting, refocusing and re-energizing.  For 5 days we got to reconnect with our friends and co-workers here in the Madang region.  Old friendships rekindled and deepened and new ones started.  A team from  Scotland came to minister to us and our children.  As in years past, this year's conference seemed to provide just exactly what was needed!
    Conference is over, but we are still in Madang, enjoying our first break, or vacation, in over a year together as a family!  For two weeks we'll be hanging out, swimming, shopping, snorkeling, fishing, playing games, and relaxing together!  Already it's been great to just sit around the dinner table and ask the kids what they want to do that day, and then just be able to pick-up and go do it!  A very sweet time indeed!

Direction Granted

    We praise the Lord and thank you for all your prayers on our behalf.  We met with our regional leadership Wednesday afternoon, and it seems like we can now see the next step in our ministry here, although the timing remains a little bit fuzzy.
    As people and finances remain to be the two most precious commodities in mission work, the field of PNG has developed a system of assessments in looking at potential tribal works for missionaries to move into.  What is known as PGA (People Group Assessment--sorry, NOT the Professions Golfers Association) involves gathering lots of data and statistics on different tribal groups in any given region and around the country!  Information like population, location, and language vitality are important as well as whether or not any previous organizations have done any work with a given group of people when it comes to strategizing and prioritizing personnel, and looking to allocate church-planting missionaries into new people groups.  The Madang region has asked Chris to set up, and fill in, a database for information on any of the 180+ people groups that are in the Madang region alone.  Then, based on the information there, we can better determine as a region and a field, which areas we'd like to further investigate and eventually place missionary teams!
    We are excited as this ministry seems to be a good fit for Chris's skills and interests.  It will also put us in a position to build relationships and get to know any potential partners.  Once we have partners, we would be free to pursue allocating into a tribal location, but in the mean time, Chris would be able to assist the Madang region in this vital way.
    As we said, timing remains a bit fuzzy.  Provided Jael's school evaluation goes well at Christmas time, we could be moving to Madang to start this new ministry as soon as early spring, although summer-time seems more likely.  The determining factor will be housing.  We are FULL here in Madang (a wonderful problem), and our move here will depend on when housing may open up, as well as the completion of the Bible study that Chris is leading up at Lapilo (which could run into late Jan. or early Feb.).

Prayer Points

    Although we see the next step...please don't stop praying for us and our future ministry.  This ministry will hopefully just be a stepping-stone towards getting us into another tribal church planting ministry. Please continue to pray for clear direction and wisdom.  Please pray for Jael's evaluation coming up, that it would be and accurate reflection of where she is.  And please be praying for our future partners...whoever they may be!

Rejoicing in Him,
Chris, Angie, Jael, Baruch and Titus Walker

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dead fingers & Dried up bones

Truth Impacting Some

    First a bit of reflecting on the most recent Bible Study meeting Chris and fellow missionary Aaron DeRidder have had with the national workers as they've been teaching through Creation to Christ in Pigin.  They have started teaching on the 10 Commandments, a crucial point of understanding in the study.  One of the guys, Remal, upon hearing the commandment "thou shalt have no other gods before me", pondered outloud, "that's just like us!  When we cut our fingers off, or keep some part of an ancestor when they die, and then talk to it and pray to it as if they can help us with something...that's just like worshipping them instead of God".  How true he is!  Another fellow attending the Bible study immediately piped up, "yeah, but Rimal's from the Yagaria tribe!  They do that kind of thing there!  WE don't do that!".  This particular gentleman has made claims to being a Christian, and yet, at a mumu (a food festival of sorts) was overheard by a fellow missionary leading the others in a prayer TO the mumu (to the food) itself!  We praise the LORD for the insight He has given to some (like Remal), and yet are saddened to see the hardness of hearts of some others.  We are saddened, but do not dispair!  Our Lord is powerful, and His Word is sharp and is able to penetrate the hardest of hearts!  Please pray with us for these dear souls!  Pray that as we continue to teach through the 10 Commandments that they will come to understand that the true purpose of show us our sinful and hopeless state...NOT a means to becoming acceptable to God.

Great Opportunities to Share Truth

    I (Angie) have had the opportunity to develop a neat friendship with a local lady named Trixie.  We have shared a neat relationship of give and take and helping each other out with different projects.  In and effort to keep this neat friendship going, I've asked her to teach me how to make bilums (the string bags that EVERY PNG lady knows how to make).  She has claimed to be a Christian, and I'd been praying for an opportunity to find out just where she is (seeing as we've had so many experiences of some claiming to be Christians, but are so confused spiritually).  One evening, she was at our house, and we were working on making bilums, and after conversation seemed to die down, Chris suggested that we put on a documentary DVD.  We've enjoyed doing this kind of things with nationals in the past, allowing them to see other parts of the world (or even outer space in some cases) that they would otherwise not get to see, and help to broaden their world view.  The one we put in happened to be on archeology, and in this particular episode, the archeological team "happened" to dig up an ancient cemetery.  As they were brushing off the bones they had found, and discussing what they could tell about the lives of the people from those bones, Trixie got very tense, and her hands stopped moving as she sat there completely horrified by what she was seeing!!  We really had not anticipated this kind of response at all!!!  In our other conversations about faith and such, we had no reason to believe that she wasn't a Christian, as she had claimed.  But, as we noticed her reaction, and asked her what she was thinking, she said that she was scared for them (the archeologists) because of the spirits of the dead people.  We stopped the DVD, and turned to her and asked her what the Bible had to say about a person's spirit.  "Where does a person's spirit go when they die?"  She answered, "to heaven or to hell".  "Right, so why do we need to be afraid of dead people's spirits?" 
    The PNG culture that Trixie has grown up in is wrought with beliefs and teachings about dead people's spirits.  There is much belief that these spirits hang around indefinitely, and can be manipulated into helping them gain specific knowledge, manipulate nature, or even other people.  Trixie went home so upset by what she had seen that she could not fall asleep, but instead stayed up working until after midnight, at which point she collapsed out of pure exhaustion. 
    She came back to see me the next day and shared all that with me.  She commented about how WE  (the missionaries) were not afraid, and that we knew why we didn't need to be afraid.  She knows that Chris has been teaching this Bible study in Pigin, and as this came up in our conversation, I realized that we may not be here long enough to share this same study with her all the way through.  Then it occurred to us:  THIS is exactly why we have worked on developing relationships with the local churches that we have.  One of the local churches uses this same Bible study on a regular basis.  I mentioned this to Trixie and asked her if she would like to attend this church with us.  She was VERY excited to!! 
    Unfortunately, the day that she was supposed to come with us, she came up sick!  I've not seen much of her at all these last 2 weeks since then.  Please pray that I can get in touch with her again, and that she would still be interested in attending this church where we believe she can get good Biblical teaching that will clear up any confusion she might have.  Also pray that I might have an opportunity to talk with her about the state of her eternal soul...if she is confused in other areas, it is vital that she is clear in that!

Schooling Update

    Well, a month and a half into homeschooling plus Discovery, and all is going well!  I have had the blessing of another Discovery therapist who has sat in on a couple of our sessions now and made some extremely helpful suggestions!  We praise the LORD for her insight, experience and help.  We continue to feel good about how things are progressing.  Jael is due for a re-evaluation this winter during Christmas break (Dec. or Jan.), and we will have more concrete answers as to where she is and just how she is doing then.  In the mean time, all indications are good, and we are enjoying our time learning together.

Help in ICT

    Thank you for praying!  Chris has a new co-worker in ICT.  Norber Huebner and his wife Michaela arrived from Germany just over a week ago!  Already he has been a huge blessing in helping to lighten the work load there.  MORE co-workers are needed in the department, so please keep praying!

Waiting Patterns

    We know we have asked prayer for this before, but we ask yet again for you to pray with us about the future ministry of our family.  As time moves on, we are rapidly approaching the time that may well give us at least some of the answers that we seek.  As that time approaches, and as we start to make decisions that will effect our future, we ask for wisdom and continued clear direction!
    In a couple weeks, we will travel down to Madang for the Madang Regional Conference.  After that, we will have a long over-due break with our family (it's been almost 15 months since we've had a break together as a family away from our support center where we live and work).  We anticipate that we may start to get some direction during that time, and again this winter, with some possible decisions to be made then or shortly after the first of the year.  It's a time of great anticipation, as we've seen this coming, and have looked forward to it as well.  But as with any change that comes, there is both excitement and some fear.  Yet, we know that as we strive to keep our eyes on Him, and our ears tuned to His Word, He will be faithful to lead us right.

I know this email has gone on a bit.  Some exciting things happening here, and we are so privileged to get to be here with a front-row seat!  Serving here on your behalf, it is our joy to share these stories with you!  Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement.

Here because of HIM,
Chris, Angie, Jael, Baruch and Titus Walker

Friday, July 23, 2010

Tears to Progress, Sharing Christ from the Old Testament, and To the Rescue?

From Tears to Progress
As our family looks towards returning to a full-time
church-planting ministry, as you may know, homeschooling remains a key
component. We now have three weeks of Discovery session (educational
therapy) under our belts and we are very happy to report that as a
result of your prayers and God's faithfulness, we have a decent start!
Our first session was wrought with many, MANY tears! A disappointing
start, but not completely unexpected. Even so, I was encouraged that my
training had equipped me to keep things moving, and we DID manage to get
a couple things accomplished in the midst of those tears. After that
first session, Jael and I had a heart-to-heart chat, and our next
session, just two days later, was a COMPLETE turn around of the one
before. We even almost had fun!! Since then, our sessions have gone
very well. We still have a ways to go before we are accomplishing all
that we need to in each session, but progress remains good and steady,
and I remain optimistic and encouraged.
We start full on homeschooling on Monday! Lessons have been
planned, materials organized and ready to go for weeks now! Pray that
we can have a high level of interest and enthusiasm!

Sharing Christ From the Old Testament
The Bible study with the national store workers is moving right
along. This last week they covered the story of Abraham and Isaac. We
hear repeated comments of sincere gratitude at the opportunity they have
to hear this message. In the coming weeks we will be wrapping up the
book of Genesis and move into teaching on the Law. The purpose of the
Law, as we know it, is not just a list of rules to make us good, but a
standard by which we see how utterly condemned we are as sinners before
a righteous and holy God. Please, please pray that this is not just a
message presenting interesting information, but one that will be heart
piercing, convicting and life changing.

To The Rescue?
Working in the computer department, supporting hundreds of
missionaries all over Papua New Guinea, Chris and his co-workers seldom
lack for diversity in their everyday tasks. Sometimes it's repairing
computers, sometimes it's debugging email programs, brainstorming on
internet solutions, researching technology. Most of this happens right
in the computer department and it's immediate surrounding areas.
However, this coming week Chris has the more rare opportunity to travel
to a tribal location to try and do an on site job. Pray for him. With
travel being expensive, and not knowing exactly what to encounter, he
would appreciate some extra wisdom in knowing what tools and equipment
to bring with him.

Thank you so much for continuing to stand with us,
Chris, Angie, Jael, Baruch and Titus Walker

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Home again!

Home Again Home Again
Thank you so much for all your prayers concerning my trip to Manila
and my course there. Things went very well with everything from the
flights to the course itself. While it was intense...lots of
information in a short period of time...I found it not only intriguing,
but also very enjoyable! I enjoyed the information as well my
instructors and fellow classmates! I also enjoyed the food and
accommodations, and the shopping!!! Modern malls and the chance to shop
for things that I can't find here! Yeah, it was all pretty memorable!!
Most importantly though, it accomplished what we needed it to do.
I now feel equipped, and even excited, to start working with Jael doing
educational therapy. After taking a few weeks to get organized and to
plan, I hope to start doing educational therapy with her by the end of
the month, and to start school with her a couple weeks later. The rest
of our books are enroute, so you can be praying that they arrive soon!
Thank you for praying for Chris and the kids while I was gone. He
did very well, looking after three kids...2 of them all day long...and
working from home as well! All with just the smallest of hiccups! He
had plenty of help from different folks around the center here too. He
did so well, in fact, that some things I'm thinking of turning over to
him on a permanent basis!! Like being official costume developer for
the skate nights they have on center here. Jael's pineapple costume won
rave reviews, and there was no question that Baruch was a carrot!! Far
better than mom ever came up with!!
Even with how well everything went, it was VERY nice to come home
to my wonderful family again. School has finished up here, and we are
on summer break, enjoying doing some fun things during the day in
between cleaning and getting organized for doing school at home again
this coming year!

Times of Trial
With all the answered prayers concerning me getting this training
and for our family while we were apart, and for how we've been able to
move ahead in the direction we feel the Lord leading us, it would be
very easy for one to think that everything is just hunky dory with life
going all our way! While that is true on one level, it's also true that
our family is feeling the attacks of our enemy. Our enemy is a cunning
one, knowing just where our weak spots are...every chink in our armor.
Sometimes his attacks are downright scary, and sometimes they're just
stressful. We have, over the course of time, realized that as God's
plan is moving forward, that Satan increases his attacks. This
certainly seems true right now.
We know from scripture that we can be thankful for trials because
they are allowed by our loving Father in heaven, and that they are used
to perfect our faith, and throw our dependence on Him all over again.
We were reminded of that again last night during our family devotions.
We read from I Peter 1: 6-8 where it talks about the testing of our
faith. We talked a bit about how gold is refined through fire, and how
our faith is tested and refined the same way. We also went on to read
how our faith is so much more precious than mere gold! It was just the
perspective that our whole family needed as we face the days and weeks
ahead. We wouldn't ask for such trials (who would), but we know that as
we keep our eyes and lives focused on God that we will not be led astray
from HIS will for our lives. Please pray for us in these days and weeks
to come, that we can maintain that focus, and that our faith, through
testing, will be found genuine and shining bright!

One final note and prayer request...some weeks ago, after much
prayer and consideration, our family purchased a used car from Japan.
Some funds were made available for us to do so, and after some research
online, we found something that we hope will meet both our current and
future needs! While our current needs may be considered minimum, a
vehicle will make many things much easier. Everything from added
safety, ease and convenience for our entire family as we go visiting
local churches most weekends with Chris, to the benefit of knowing that
if we want to run into town for the day, or take a trip to Madang for a
break, that we can with fewer logistics! Our future needs though, as we
consider the possibility of a future road allocation, also weighed in
heavily in our final decision.
Our new-to-us Nisaan Rasheen is due into the country on Monday!
So, Chris will be making a "quick" trip to the coast to get it, and to
take care of all the necessary paperwork to get it road legal. He will
take a PMV down on Sunday, and then hopefully be back by Wednesday.
Pray with us that everything goes smoothly there, with the paperwork,
and with the trip, as travel in PNG is unpredictable at best!

Thank you for your ongoing prayers on our behalf!
Expecting great things!
Angie (for Chris, Jael, Baruch and Titus too)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Chris Plays Mr. Mom

            Starting Saturday morning, Chris will be filling the roll of dad AND mom.  Saturday I leave for the Discovery training in Manila, Philippines for 2 weeks.  During that time, Chris will be working out of the home, taking care of 2 active boys all day long, providing meals, running a household….send a few extra prayers up for him during this time, I know he’ll appreciate them! J

            We also want to thank ALL of you for your prayers concerning this trip.  The Lord has heard, and provided abundantly and timely.  Everything has fallen so nicely into place.  Besides the stress of our family being apart for the next couple weeks, these last weeks of preparing have been relatively stress-free!  Another answer to prayer is that I will be joined by another NTM missionary in Port Moresby who is also going over to take this training…so I will not be traveling alone.  WE are reminded again and again of the greatness of our God.  Through folks like you, God has again answered prayers.  We are so blessed to have such a team behind us.


Pigin Bible Study

            Chris, and co-worker Aaron DeRidder are a couple weeks into the Pigin Bible study with our national store workers.  They are teaching the Bible chronologically, just as we did in Mibu.  This week they are covering creation, and next week will be getting into the fall of man.  Some of these folks have been exposed to Bible stories, but there is no context or continuity for them, while for others this is the first time they've ever been presented with any teaching on God's power as displayed in creation let along the lengths to which our creator has gone to redeem us.  Pray with us that as this foundation is laid, that the Holy Spirit will be able to impact their lives with truth and that their lives will be forever changed as a result.  We’ll keep you posted as the class progresses.


The Next Step

            As this next step of Discovery training is on our doorstep, we are already looking ahead to the next thing, as it comes immediately on it’s heels.  Homeschooling!  Materials have all been ordered now (another answered prayer), and now we ask you to pray that these materials will make their way here quickly and safely, so that I can have time to prepare and plan before starting school.  Our plan right now is to take the month of June to enjoy being a family again (after being apart for a couple weeks) and get organized and jazzed up for starting school in July.  Please pray for all of us as we prepare our hearts, minds and resources for this undertaking.


Laborers Needed

            You know, not much has changed in 2000 years.  The Lord told his disciples to look on the fields…they were ready for harvest then, and the laborers were few.  There is MUCH work to be done here in PNG.  Many people groups have yet to hear, and without people to come and tell them, how can they hear?  While there is a great need for church planters, there is also great need for support workers.  ICT (the computer department where Chris works) is going to be feeling this keenly in the weeks to come, as over half of the department leaves!  For a few weeks, it will be Chris and one other guy managing the tech support of over 300 families and dozens of departments field wide.  They will be joined by the end of summer by another returning guy, which will help the work load tremendously.  It takes all kinds of people with all manners of gifts and abilities to see church-planting become a reality.  As we prepare ourselves and our family for what we believe is coming (another church plant down the road), we ask you to please pray for more laborers.  Both church-planters, and support workers (even nerdy computer geeks) so that we can see His Kingdom advanced here on this earth.

Because of HIM,

Angie (who happens to be married to one awesome compute geek) on behalf of all the Walkers


Chris Plays Mr. Mom

            Starting Saturday morning, Chris will be filling the roll of dad AND mom.  Saturday I leave for the Discovery training in Manila, Philippines for 2 weeks.  During that time, Chris will be working out of the home, taking care of 2 active boys all day long, providing meals, running a household….send a few extra prayers up for him during this time, I know he’ll appreciate them! J

            We also want to thank ALL of you for your prayers concerning this trip.  The Lord has heard, and provided abundantly and timely.  Everything has fallen so nicely into place.  Besides the stress of our family being apart for the next couple weeks, these last weeks of preparing have been relatively stress-free!  Another answer to prayer is that I will be joined by another NTM missionary in Port Moresby who is also going over to take this training…so I will not be traveling alone.  WE are reminded again and again of the greatness of our God.  Through folks like you, God has again answered prayers.  We are so blessed to have such a team behind us.


Pigin Bible Study

            Chris, and co-worker Aaron DeRidder are a couple weeks into the Pigin Bible study with our national store workers.  They are teaching the Bible chronologically, just as we did in Mibu.  This week they are covering creation, and next week will be getting into the fall of man.  Some of these folks have been exposed to Bible stories, but there is no context or continuity for them, while for others this is the first time they've ever been presented with any teaching on God's power as displayed in creation let along the lengths to which our creator has gone to redeem us.  Pray with us that as this foundation is laid, that the Holy Spirit will be able to impact their lives with truth and that their lives will be forever changed as a result.  We’ll keep you posted as the class progresses.


The Next Step

            As this next step of Discovery training is on our doorstep, we are already looking ahead to the next thing, as it comes immediately on it’s heels.  Homeschooling!  Materials have all been ordered now (another answered prayer), and now we ask you to pray that these materials will make their way here quickly and safely, so that I can have time to prepare and plan before starting school.  Our plan right now is to take the month of June to enjoy being a family again (after being apart for a couple weeks) and get organized and jazzed up for starting school in July.  Please pray for all of us as we prepare our hearts, minds and resources for this undertaking.


Laborers Needed

            You know, not much has changed in 2000 years.  The Lord told his disciples to look on the fields…they were ready for harvest then, and the laborers were few.  There is MUCH work to be done here in PNG.  Many people groups have yet to hear, and without people to come and tell them, how can they hear?  While there is a great need for church planters, there is also great need for support workers.  ICT (the computer department where Chris works) is going to be feeling this keenly in the weeks to come, as over half of the department leaves!  For a few weeks, it will be Chris and one other guy managing the tech support of over 300 families and dozens of departments field wide.  They will be joined by the end of summer by another returning guy, which will help the work load tremendously.  It takes all kinds of people with all manners of gifts and abilities to see church-planting become a reality.  As we prepare ourselves and our family for what we believe is coming (another church plant down the road), we ask you to please pray for more laborers.  Both church-planters, and support workers (even nerdy computer geeks) so that we can see His Kingdom advanced here on this earth.

Because of HIM,

Angie (who happens to be married to one awesome compute geek) on behalf of all the Walkers


Chris Plays Mr. Mom

            Starting Saturday morning, Chris will be filling the roll of dad AND mom.  Saturday I leave for the Discovery training in Manila, Philippines for 2 weeks.  During that time, Chris will be working out of the home, taking care of 2 active boys all day long, providing meals, running a household….send a few extra prayers up for him during this time, I know he’ll appreciate them! J

            We also want to thank ALL of you for your prayers concerning this trip.  The Lord has heard, and provided abundantly and timely.  Everything has fallen so nicely into place.  Besides the stress of our family being apart for the next couple weeks, these last weeks of preparing have been relatively stress-free!  Another answer to prayer is that I will be joined by another NTM missionary in Port Moresby who is also going over to take this training…so I will not be traveling alone.  WE are reminded again and again of the greatness of our God.  Through folks like you, God has again answered prayers.  We are so blessed to have such a team behind us.


Pigin Bible Study

            Chris, and co-worker Aaron DeRidder are a couple weeks into the Pigin Bible study with our national store workers.  They are teaching the Bible chronologically, just as we did in Mibu.  This week they are covering creation, and next week will be getting into the fall of man.  Some of these folks have been exposed to Bible stories, but there is no context or continuity for them, while for others this is the first time they've ever been presented with any teaching on God's power as displayed in creation let along the lengths to which our creator has gone to redeem us.  Pray with us that as this foundation is laid, that the Holy Spirit will be able to impact their lives with truth and that their lives will be forever changed as a result.  We’ll keep you posted as the class progresses.


The Next Step

            As this next step of Discovery training is on our doorstep, we are already looking ahead to the next thing, as it comes immediately on it’s heels.  Homeschooling!  Materials have all been ordered now (another answered prayer), and now we ask you to pray that these materials will make their way here quickly and safely, so that I can have time to prepare and plan before starting school.  Our plan right now is to take the month of June to enjoy being a family again (after being apart for a couple weeks) and get organized and jazzed up for starting school in July.  Please pray for all of us as we prepare our hearts, minds and resources for this undertaking.


Laborers Needed

            You know, not much has changed in 2000 years.  The Lord told his disciples to look on the fields…they were ready for harvest then, and the laborers were few.  There is MUCH work to be done here in PNG.  Many people groups have yet to hear, and without people to come and tell them, how can they hear?  While there is a great need for church planters, there is also great need for support workers.  ICT (the computer department where Chris works) is going to be feeling this keenly in the weeks to come, as over half of the department leaves!  For a few weeks, it will be Chris and one other guy managing the tech support of over 300 families and dozens of departments field wide.  They will be joined by the end of summer by another returning guy, which will help the work load tremendously.  It takes all kinds of people with all manners of gifts and abilities to see church-planting become a reality.  As we prepare ourselves and our family for what we believe is coming (another church plant down the road), we ask you to please pray for more laborers.  Both church-planters, and support workers (even nerdy computer geeks) so that we can see His Kingdom advanced here on this earth.

Because of HIM,

Angie (who happens to be married to one awesome compute geek) on behalf of all the Walkers


Chris Plays Mr. Mom

            Starting Saturday morning, Chris will be filling the roll of dad AND mom.  Saturday I leave for the Discovery training in Manila, Philippines for 2 weeks.  During that time, Chris will be working out of the home, taking care of 2 active boys all day long, providing meals, running a household….send a few extra prayers up for him during this time, I know he’ll appreciate them! J

            We also want to thank ALL of you for your prayers concerning this trip.  The Lord has heard, and provided abundantly and timely.  Everything has fallen so nicely into place.  Besides the stress of our family being apart for the next couple weeks, these last weeks of preparing have been relatively stress-free!  Another answer to prayer is that I will be joined by another NTM missionary in Port Moresby who is also going over to take this training…so I will not be traveling alone.  WE are reminded again and again of the greatness of our God.  Through folks like you, God has again answered prayers.  We are so blessed to have such a team behind us.


Pigin Bible Study

            Chris, and co-worker Aaron DeRidder are a couple weeks into the Pigin Bible study with our national store workers.  They are teaching the Bible chronologically, just as we did in Mibu.  This week they are covering creation, and next week will be getting into the fall of man.  Some of these folks have been exposed to Bible stories, but there is no context or continuity for them, while for others this is the first time they've ever been presented with any teaching on God's power as displayed in creation let along the lengths to which our creator has gone to redeem us.  Pray with us that as this foundation is laid, that the Holy Spirit will be able to impact their lives with truth and that their lives will be forever changed as a result.  We’ll keep you posted as the class progresses.


The Next Step

            As this next step of Discovery training is on our doorstep, we are already looking ahead to the next thing, as it comes immediately on it’s heels.  Homeschooling!  Materials have all been ordered now (another answered prayer), and now we ask you to pray that these materials will make their way here quickly and safely, so that I can have time to prepare and plan before starting school.  Our plan right now is to take the month of June to enjoy being a family again (after being apart for a couple weeks) and get organized and jazzed up for starting school in July.  Please pray for all of us as we prepare our hearts, minds and resources for this undertaking.


Laborers Needed

            You know, not much has changed in 2000 years.  The Lord told his disciples to look on the fields…they were ready for harvest then, and the laborers were few.  There is MUCH work to be done here in PNG.  Many people groups have yet to hear, and without people to come and tell them, how can they hear?  While there is a great need for church planters, there is also great need for support workers.  ICT (the computer department where Chris works) is going to be feeling this keenly in the weeks to come, as over half of the department leaves!  For a few weeks, it will be Chris and one other guy managing the tech support of over 300 families and dozens of departments field wide.  They will be joined by the end of summer by another returning guy, which will help the work load tremendously.  It takes all kinds of people with all manners of gifts and abilities to see church-planting become a reality.  As we prepare ourselves and our family for what we believe is coming (another church plant down the road), we ask you to please pray for more laborers.  Both church-planters, and support workers (even nerdy computer geeks) so that we can see His Kingdom advanced here on this earth.

Because of HIM,

Angie (who happens to be married to one awesome compute geek) on behalf of all the Walkers


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Direction.. Getting from here to there.

            We’d like to take a few minutes and share where we feel the Lord may be leading us in the coming months ahead.  We know that we’ve alluded to plans, but have been hesitant to share them since they are so very fluid.  However, the more we think and pray about these thoughts and plans, the more we realize that these plans are so HUGE…so beyond us and our abilities…that we covet your prayers over the specifics as we continue to look to the Lord for direction and wisdom.

            Basically, we feel the Lord leading us to another tribal work…somewhere in the Madang region of North-central Papua New Guinea.  There are a couple of possibilities that we have been asked to consider that have us excited…one possibly would involve joining a work NTM began a work among the people of Manam island.   Currently there are no missionaries there to continue establishing the baby church.  Another possibility would be participate in on-going NTM surveys of the Madang region to determine other viable locations for future church-planting ministry, particularly some dear co-workers have suggested the Bel language group as a possibility worth exploring.  These possibilities have begun to capture more and more of our thoughts and imagination!  Nevertheless, before we even get to the point of moving yet again, we have a number of things that do need to happen that we would especially ask for your prayer about.  We will list them in the order in which we see that they need to happen, though the actual dates for most of them are somewhat fluid:

1.       NILD training for Angie in Manila, Philippines….This May 17-28.  This step is vital because it will give us the necessary tools to meet Jael’s special learning needs as we seek to take schooling WITH us to another location (a tribe somewhere).  This date is NOT fluid!  J  Angie has almost completed the pre-course assignments, however we are still waiting on a few things.  Please pray for a speedy acceptance letter (3rd world countries are SO notorious for anything BUT speedy correspondence…but we are hesitant to purchase airline tickets before we have confirmation, and yet waiting too long may jeopardize seat availability as we fly from one 3rd world country to another).  Please also pray for the remaining finances needed for the course.  Currently we have about $1000 of the needed $2500.  Nine weeks left and counting!

2.       Obtaining homeschooling supplies….by July of this year.  This date can be somewhat fluid, however we would hate to start any later than that.  Starting earlier would be preferable.  After some careful research into curriculums, and collaboration with others…different curriculum has been chosen that we are confident will meet our needs in schooling Jael.  Some of this has already been ordered.  About $200 worth of material remains to be ordered.  Pray with us that we will be able to order this material in a timely fashion so that we can have it here on the field in order to start by our projected July date.  Pray also for wisdom for Angie as she prepares for this undertaking yet again.  She’s very excited about the things she has learned with her year and a half off of homeschooling, and continues to seek wisdom and direction as she prepares to integrate different programs and execute the tools she has been honing.

3.       Remainder of our stuff out of Mibu…summer to fall of 2010.  As we look towards a second tribal allocation, it would be very nice to have the remainder of our things out of Mibu.  This includes not only the remainder of our household goods (many of which are still in transit in Saidor), but also our electrical equipment, appliances, and the building supplies of our house itself!

4.       Moving to Madang…Januaryish 2011.  Provided that we can illustrate that Jael’s schooling needs are being met after 6 months or so of homeschooling, we feel the move back to Madang may be a good one as we look at doing some survey work, and preparing for moving bush again.

5.       Purchase of vehicle and/or boat….spring 2011.  The works that we have in mind are assessable by road or water.  Depending on where we end up, sometimes there are public transportation options, however for our safety it is obvious we’ll need a more reliable mean of transportation.

6.       Funds for surveys….Jan. to spring 2011.  This will be essential to us assessing the needs of different possible tribal works.  Even after a tribe may be decided on, further surveys will be needed for us to determine a strategic placement within the tribe.

7.       Logistics and purchase of house building supplies….spring to summer 2011.  As the work is beginning to wrap up in Mibu, one daunting task is the deconstruction of our house in Mibu.  This will help considerably in providing building materials for building again elsewhere, however the very remoteness of most tribal areas in PNG including Mibu so difficult.

8.       Allocation…possibly, summer to fall 2011.  Once we know where we’re going, and how we’re going to get there…then will come the monumental task of moving our family and supplies to start our new ministry.  Beginning the process of learning yet another language, culture and establishing relationships that will be vital for effective communication of the gospel and establishing of a New Testament church.


This is a tentative timeline with projected needs.  The Lord has shown us time and time again that He is not limited to this, but this is what the Lord has laid on our hearts in the past 6 months or so.  It’s a lot!  But again, the Lord has shown us tremendous things this last year.  So much can happen over the course of a year…or even 6 months…that no amount of obstacles can hinder.  If any of you have any questions about any of this, please feel free to ask!




And on another subject, Chris was recently encouraged by NTM leadership to join a local pastor, Joel Kamaya on an evangelistic outreach to share the gospel among the Kanite people.  Chris, as an observer, hopes to witness the teaching of Pastor Kamaya and other Bible teachers from the Bena Bridge church among these people.  From what Chris has seen so far, speaking, preaching & teaching primarily in Melanesian Pidgin, Pastor Kamaya has demonstrated an amazing command of cultural understanding to help illustrate Biblical principles.  Tentatively one of these outreach trips will be taking place next month.  Please be in prayer for the Bena Bridge church, the Bible teachers and particularly the Kanite people, that they would be a prepared & fertile soil to understand and believe God’s talk from members of their own tribe.


With great anticipation,

Chris, Angie, Jael, Baruch and Titus Walker

Fabulous February!

Creature Comforts

            It’s a small thing, but it’s amazing how the little things can make a house a home.  Over the past 6 months or so, our stuff has been slowly making its way out of Mibu.  A couple weeks ago, we hired a truck to go to Madang and bring up the stuff that had been collecting there.  Among the things that came were our couch (oh, so comfy), some book shelves (needed badly to help keep our books from molding further), material for curtains (that actually matches our décor) and more toys for the kids.  To be surrounded by our own things again, after about 3 years, just feels so good!  Not everything has made its way out yet, and we’d ask you to just pray about that.  Some things are still sitting in the trade store in Saidor, and it seems to be left to the whim of the store workers there as to when it gets put on the boat.  It’s starting to feel like it’s been a long time since everything has been together, and I think we’d just like to have it all here.


Birthday Girl!

            Jael has just celebrated her 9th birthday!  It’s crazy how fast time flies with your kids!  It has occurred to us that we are half-way through our time of having Jael in our home.  While it is a sobering thought, we are also so very proud of the young lady she is becoming!  She is one who has shown perseverance over and over again in her schooling.  She demonstrates a deepening compassion for those who are lost and hurting around her, and her desire to help increases with each passing year.  She is such a wonderful gift to our family, and a vital part of our ministry!


Training Needs

            It is almost official…Angie is heading to the Philippines for her Discovery training course to be well-equipped to work with Jael’s special learning needs.  It’s almost official since we are still waiting to hear back on her application (but from what we’ve heard, this is totally to be expected).  Airline tickets are booked (though not yet paid for) and accommodations for her are lined up in Manila (at two different mission’s guest houses).  Things seem to be falling into place very nicely.  Except perhaps the finances.   We’d also ask you to pray about those.  We figure the cost of the trip to be about $2500 for everything, and we currently have about $800 saved up to put towards it.  Angie is scheduled to fly May 15, and her classes start on the 17th.  Pray also as she continues to prepare for this course…that she’d be able to retain all the information she is reading, and be able to apply it appropriately.


Mibu Update

            The things that we continue to hear coming out of Mibu are very encouraging.  I’d like to include a story from the Tartaglias about a tragedy that happened to some friends some weeks back that shows just how much our brothers and sisters there are growing.

            “After the church service, when many of the people had dispersed, Parenoowe grabbed my skirt as I walked by pulling me down on the rough bench next to her. Her face was drawn and tight, eyes still shining with tears carefully held in check. She leaned her face very close to mine, and with great emotion asked if we could talk about her daughter. It has been less than three weeks since her 9 year old, Joonoomeng, had run down ahead of her friends to the river, and whose body been found days later washed up on the shore a few miles down the steep river ravine. Parenoowe 's searing pain showed in her eyes, her voice, and the tight grip she held on my hand. Her questions are the same that anyone would wrestle with... "Why did this happen? Did I do something wrong that God allowed this? Where is she now? Will I see her again?"

             “I wish I had something to say to Parenoowe that didn't sound trite. "My friend, God is not angry with you, He is not punishing you. You know this, don't you. He loves you and He loves your children. We all die.

We do not know when—today, tomorrow, when we are young or when we are very old. Only God knows all of this. We cannot know. But we do know that we can trust God with this. We will have to leave it with Him." I paused, thinking.

"What does Weng tell you?" I whispered, her face still very close to mine.

Parenoowe 's oldest, married son, Weng, has carried the family through this time. He has been a Bible teacher and helped teach through the Bible to other villages, and has a very evident love for the Lord and His Word."Yes, this is what Weng tells me," she quietly answered.

               “Even while they were still searching for little Joonoomeng's body, our family had hiked over to their village to see what we could do, and be there with them as they waited for news. In the past, we would have been needed at the forefront, reassuring and reminding everyone of God's love for His children. Instead, when what we found were other brothers and sisters in Christ ministering to the family, and to Joonoomeng's mother in particular.

And when Weng's faith was brought to the test, his little sister missing and feared dead, his faith was steady and shone through brightly.”





Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A New Year in store

Greetings from a very wet and sloppy PNG!!!

While we were “raining” in the New Year, we trust that all of you have had a wonderful time of reflection over the ways that God has provided and directed you this last year.  While this past year has had some radical changes for us, we rest completely in the knowledge that God is in control of our lives, and that He is leading us where we will be most effective in furthering His kingdom here on earth.  While our path took a sharp turn away from Mibu and all the wonderful things that continue to go on there, we have seen God remain faithful and true, and have seen our family and personal walks grow so much stronger through it all.  We have also seen the addition of Baruch into the family of God!  Precious times.

As many people do upon the start of a new year, we look back on the last year and all that has happened, and also forward at the things we see coming our way!  We are SO excited about what the Lord seems to be bringing our way for the year 2010.  Let me share a few with you!


A National Bible Study!

We have mentioned this before, but it looks like it will soon be under way!  Back in July, some friends from another work in Madang came out and shared with the national workers on center here about how the gospel is effecting eternal change in the lives of tribal folks among the people they work with.  Nearly every worker attended this meeting, and afterwards, some workers from our center store approached their manager (another missionary friend) and commented how they have worked here for many years, and have still not heard this message that was referred to in the meeting (the message of salvation).  This manager then approached Chris to see if he would be interested in leading a Bible study with the store workers…bringing them from Creation to Christ.  OF COURSE he was interested!  It is always a privilege to share the gospel.  However, just as we would take the time to develop relationships and learn the local culture in a tribal setting, so Chris needed to do that with the folks here.  With a keen advantage in already knowing and understanding Pigin (which most folks speak around here more than their tribal languages), he is now ready to start!  He’s hoping to start before the end of the month!  We’ll keep you posted!


School for Angie

As in…Angie going to school!  In order to gain the tools she needs to help Jael with her learning needs (and in an effort to resume homeschooling), Angie will be taking a course this spring.  It is a post-graduate level course that she has qualified for.  We are hoping that she will be able to take the course in Manila since it will be much, MUCH cheaper to do so there.  However, we are still waiting to hear if they will be offering this course there this year.  If not, the next alternative is California (which holds its own appeal, but at more than double the expense).  We’d like to ask prayer for her as she prepares not only for this course, but for the added expense this course will incur (around $2,000-$5,000, depending on where it will be available). 

This course could be key to whatever future ministries might be open to us.  We have enrolled Jael in a program here at the school that will meet her learning needs with ongoing intervention (the same program that Angie will get training in).  This program requires a three year commitment, and by Angie getting this training, we significantly increase the odds of us being able to take schooling with us and look at perhaps another tribal ministry!!  We will take this step-by-step, with the training first, and then homeschooling next school year (complete with this intervention program for Jael), while living here on center where educational help is readily available.  From there, we are looking forward to seeing what doors the Lord might open for us!


As you can see, we have some exciting things down the road for our family!  A ministry with national folks now, and the opportunity for more down the road!  We want to thank each one of you for all the many prayers you have offered on our behalf this last year.  Our experience has proven that we have an excellent support team behind us, and we look forward to all that the Lord will use us for in 2010!


Serving with you,

Chris, Angie, Jael, Baruch and Titus Walker