We appreciate your prayers for Jael as she has adjusted to school here. Although there are days where it’s a real emotional struggle, overall it’s been a very good move! The progress we are seeing is very encouraging. She is reading more and more on her own, and either accomplishing or coming close to accomplishing many of the goals she has set for herself (like reading her Bible…at least parts of it). The struggles that she has had have provided perfect opportunities for us to talk with her about God’s will and plan for her life…both in the future, and for the here and now. There are so many stories I could share that mark clear progress, but I would go on and on, so I’ll spare you! If you want more details…feel free to write and ask!!
When we first arrived back to PNG, we shared how we had the opportunity to see our partners, the Husas! Joey (as representative of our other partners) recently was in PNG, making a brief visit to encourage the Mibu church. This last weekend, Chris traveled to Madang in order to visit with Joey on his way out of Mibu going back to the states. The reunion was one of encouragement and excitement! Although the meeting was very short, the fellowship was sweet and very worth the effort made for Chris to get to Madang!! Now, more than ever, we are looking forward to the day when our team is reunited all together in Mibu, serving together in ministry.
Mibu Update
We have received encouraging updates from both Geoff and Joey recently. This first story, from Geoff, involves Tom, who was a former leader in the old ways for the Mibu people. Tom attended teaching faithfully when we presented the gospel, and accepted it readily! However, later he realized that this acceptance had caused his power to drop significantly. Over the last several months, things have kind of come to a head with Tom and Geoff over spiritual issues. It had become very obvious that Tom was struggling and wavering in his faith…if he indeed had faith! He became more and more outspoken, and attempted to cause division (and indeed, he is of such a personality, that people DID follow his flawed way of thinking). The church, however, saw what was happening…that he was struggling with the message of the true gospel, and the old ways. After repeated attempts to help him, they decided to exclude him for a time. Recently, we received an email from Geoff saying that Tom seems to have had a change of heart!! He has been heard telling leaders in the church that he was wrong (even in front of some of his followers). He admitted that he had been angry and was speaking out as he was because of his anger, and that it had been very wrong of him to do that. He went on to explain that of all the different kinds of beliefs that he’s seen (the old ways in Mibu, and other “churches” he’s heard about), the message that is being taught now in Mibu seems to be the only one that truly follows God’s Word!, and that he does NOT desire to go back to the old ways. These statements, as well as his actions towards some that he had confronted in conflict in the past, seem to indicate a true change of heart, and proof of the Spirit’s working in his life. Praise God with us, and pray that he would continue to listen to the voice of God as he travels further down this road of faith.
This next story is one that Joey shared with Chris while in Madang. While in Mibu, Joey spent time with many different believers, including one named Bapake. Bapake has been involved in the outreach to Titarapok…one of the newest outreaches in progress, and the 4th generational outreach from the Mibu church (Mibu to Tariknan to Yongem to Titarapok). While discussing the outreach there, and no doubt with the incident with Tom in mind, Joey asked Bapake if he was noticing similar tendencies out in his area….if people were struggling with accepting the gospel, or if they too wanted to return to the old ways after hearing and seeming to accept the gospel. I like Bapake’s response:
“Are you kidding?!? Why would we want to do that? Before this message came to Mibu, we didn’t know what the end of the story was…that God had sent his son Jesus to pay for our sins. When this message first came to Mibu, word spread all up and down these valleys…those of us that had heard it, we couldn’t contain it! Once word got out that God has made a way for us…all these old ways became useless, and people just left them. Everyone knows that God’s way is better…why would we want to go back?” Again, the power of the message made crystal clear. It would seem that this message is famous! That people, maybe before they even hear all the details or have a full understanding, are already leaving the old ways in anticipation of this new way! We will never tire of the thrill we get when we hear again of the evidence of the power of God and His word!!
Future Plans
Our plan is still to return to Mibu sometime this summer. We are in the preliminary stages of team meetings to happen sometime in June, and after that, depending on a couple different things, we will be returning to our home in Mibu! Pray with us as we continue to plan towards that end. There are many logistics and much communication that needs to happen before that time. We continue to see God’s hand in this, which leaves us assured that things will fall into place, especially as we bathe it all in prayer!
Thank you,
Chris, Angie, Jael, Baruch and Titus Walker
If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this e-mail, your message will be redirected to us.
Chris and Angie Walker
Sent out by Calvary Church of Wayland Mi, to serve with
New Tribes Mission
planting churches among the Mibu People of
Papua New Guinea.
Business address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
1000 East 1st st.
Sanford, FL 32771
Home Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
1134 - 122nd Ave
Martin, Mi 49070
Field Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
Private Mail Bag
Madang MP 511
Papua New Guinea
Important Family Dates.
Titus 03/21/08, Baruch 09/08/04 Jael 02/24/01 Walker Anniversary 06/21/96 Chris 03/25/76 Angie 08/12/77
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