Monday, June 22, 2009

[What's What With the Walkers] Waiting and Resting


Restful time in Madang

            Last week we spent a much needed time of fellowship and rest with fellow co-workers in Madang.  Madang is a small town on the northern end of Papua New Guinea on a small peninsula which has a bay on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other.  During this time of rest, in between swimming trips to the ocean and shopping, our family unexpectedly played host to four Mibu men as they prepared to take part in our upcoming translation check.  So that first weekend we had a small Mibu church service in the guest-house living room.  For months Chris had been hoping to introduce the Mibus to the book of Proverbs, what precious opportunity and fellowship. 


Change in Direction

            Also during our time in Madang we were able to discuss with leadership various disagreements that have come to light within the Mibu team.  Despite hopes to resolve these disagreements, it has now become evident to both the team and field leadership that the Lord is directing our team in different directions.  Out of respect to all involved, we will simply say that these disagreements are a matter of strong personal convictions and ministry philosophy which currently appear to be irreconcilable.  As difficult as this change is, we take comfort in Paul’s example with Barnabas…two missionaries who also had severe disagreements and went their separate ways.  Two missionaries who as a result, saw ministry multiplied and blessed as a result of parted ways.   We take particular comfort in the fact that years later, Paul and Barnabas (and John Mark) were able to come together in fruitful ministry again, and be a blessing to each other while doing so.


Next Assignment?

            So, what does this mean for us?  How we wish we had a complete answer.  Here is what we know.  The Lord has already made it abundantly clear to us that He would have us continue here where we are and continue to get Jael the help she needs with school.  Chris will continue at the Computer Department, where the guys there have made it clear that he is a very welcomed addition.  Jael will be re-evaluated sometime this coming school year.  It is everybody’s hope that the rate of progress she has shown already will continue, and that come the end of next year, she will be caught up with her classmates, and we might have the green light to resume homeschooling.  At that point, we will see what options are available for us.  Our utmost desire is to be used of God in furthering his kingdom here in Papua New Guinea, and in the Madang province even.  The opportunities to serve are endless!!  When the time comes, we will work together in fellowship with our leadership here on the field, and our supporting churches and individuals in seeing what the Lord might have for us next.  Continuing in the computer department, serving all our church planting teams field-wide?  Serving in some support role in Madang?  A new church plant somewhere in Madang or PNG?  Helping an older work finish their task?  God knows, and He will continue to direct our paths as He so faithfully has.  (If you have any questions, please by all means feel free to correspond with us.  Also our Madang Regional leadership have stated that they are happy to discuss any questions you may have as well.  Please contact

            In the mean time, we covet your prayers for our hearts as we seek closure for the work in Mibu, and that our hearts would be open to whatever the Lord has for us in the coming months and years ahead.  Also, PLEASE continue to pray for the church in Mibu, for their growing and maturing faith, and the witness they are to the areas around Mibu.  Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support.  This is not at all what we had envisioned as we were returning to PNG, but we see the hand of God in the entire thing, and we will not question His means or timing.


Here because of HIM,

Chris, Angie, Jael, Baruch and Titus Walker


If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this e-mail, your message will be redirected to us.


Chris and Angie Walker
Sent out by Calvary Church of Wayland Mi, to serve with
New Tribes Mission
planting churches among the Mibu People of
Papua New Guinea.

Business address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
1000 East 1st st.
Sanford, FL  32771

Home Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
1134 - 122nd Ave
Martin, Mi 49070

Field Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
Private Mail Bag
Madang MP 511
Papua New Guinea

Important Family Dates.
Titus 03/21/08, Baruch 09/08/04 Jael 02/24/01 Walker Anniversary 06/21/96 Chris 03/25/76 Angie 08/12/77

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