Thursday, October 8, 2009

Where We've Been and Where We're Going....

Being a Pal in Pal


Back in June, Chris was invited to help some friends build their house in the Pal (pronounced Paul) tribe.  This trip took place mid-September.  Chris, and a handful of other guys, went in for 10 days, and following a work team ahead of them, were able to see both houses for the new team enclosed, plumbed and wired!  While it was very exciting to be back in the bush helping our friends so they can start their tribal ministry, he was reminded just what “roughing” it means!  Conditions were hard, sleeping in the midst of the construction site, they collected rain water for showers, when there was rain, otherwise the closest water source was about a mile away!  When they returned, they all looked lean, tired and sore!  But what a privilege to help in that way!


Madang Conference


I and the kids ended up meeting Chris in Madang after his work trip.  We hung out there for a couple days before attending the Madang Region Annual Conference.  Conference is the highlight of the year, as we get to see so many friends all at one time!  It was so exciting to hear what was happening in each of the tribal works.  Many had very exciting reports of rapid and consistant church growth and maturity.  Some had reports of persecution of believers with some standing strong and some slipping and falling down.  Some shared honestly about how difficult it is with just a small handful of people who are faithful, much persecution, and even since their return back into the tribe, slimmer numbers yet.  BUT GOD is working mightily all over our region, and each of the works gave clear testimony of seeing His hand at work.  Isn’t it great that we can see the effects of Him working, even if we don’t know what the end result will be?  GREAT time of fellowship…so glad we went!


Looking Ahead


As the school year continues, we continue to see progress with Jael.  We had a bit of a set back at the beginning of the year perhaps due to her transition into the combined 2nd-3rd grade.  We’ve worked at making more adjustments, both at school and at home, and are confident that we’ll be seeing her progress well again with the start of this next school term.  In looking ahead, we have a couple matters of prayer we’d like you to pray with us about.  The first and foremost is for wisdom.  The special education program available at the school here (Discovery), offers a training course.  It’s a post-graduate class offered yes, in the states, but also in the Philippines.  It has been suggested that it would be beneficial for me to take this course, if I can.  It’s two weeks in length, and sometime this spring.  Needless to say, this will be an added expense, which is the second thing we would ask you to pray with us in.  Amazingly enough, it seems that I would qualify for taking this course,  which will allow me to better meet the needs of our daughter wherever the Lord brings us next.  We are yet unsure how everything will play out…she will be re-evaluated sometime in the coming months, and that will give us a clearer picture of where she’s at, and how to plan from there.  We find ourselves thankful to be in such a place right now where help is available not only for her, but also for me, as I seek to be as well equipped as I can as we continuing in growing and training (and Lord willing eventually resume homeschooling) this wonderful gift we call Jael.  Some time this month, Chris is possibly looking at a trip to the capital city of Port Moresby in order to gain certification in some technical services to strengthen our work permit renewal application


In AWE of HIM,

Chris, Angie, Jael, Baruch and Titus Walker








Thursday, July 23, 2009

Will someone tell us too?

Come and See

Two weeks ago fellow NTM Madang region missionaries Daniel and Elizabeth Moore came out of their tribal location to share what God has done through the preaching of the Gospel.  After sharing in English, he sent out an invitation to all of our Papua New Guinea citizen workers on our support center here to hear the same report in Melanesian Pidgin.  Many of these workers have been working for New Tribes Mission aiding our missionaries by preparing supplies and processing paperwork for decades, however very rarely have they had a chance to hear of the end results of their labor.  Needless to say, nearly all of our 99 national workers attended, and they marveled at the change God was able to bring to the lives of two remote villages in their county.  All the more impressive to them was how that prior to the teaching, both of these villages were steeped in animistic practices, completely ignorant of God and his plan of salvation, and yet through the teaching of the Cross from Genesis to Acts, the newfound freedom and joy these folks found, not always expressible by words was clearly displayed by the pictures Daniel showed.

We want that too!     

The next day, several of the workers who work in our store here, approached the store manager.  “We have worked here all these years, and still, we have not heard this message for ourselves.”  The point was more than clear.  Our friend, the store manager, looked into things a little more, and did some more talking to his employees.  They all seemed genuinely interested, and even willing to flex their break times a couple days a week to accommodate a class time without taking more time away from their homes and families.  

Here I am

The store manager, who also happens to be our next-door-neighbor here, then approached Chris, to see if he would be interested in helping to teach this small group of 9 men and women or so, suggesting that Chris’s church-planting experience in Mibu would be a real asset to the teaching.  After some discussion with leadership we’ve accepted this challenge and we all met together this week with the store workers, to start asking some questions designed to prepare them for what’s coming….TRUTH!  Truth that they are asking for, having heard of the difference it’s made in the lives of others!!!


We praise the Lord that He has opened up this kind of opportunity for us while we’re here.  Our daughter, Jael, is very keen on many things, and has been asking about the national folks that work here on the center and whether they know about Jesus!  What an opportunity to model for her, taking every opportunity that comes our way.  Pray for these dear workers.  They have seen many missionaries come and go over the years.  They have been faithful in their jobs and in serving us.  How thrilling to now be able to introduce them to the Savior.  Pray for open hearts and minds.  Though they live so close to town, and have worked here for years…we get the impression that there is still much confusion when it comes to things of the Lord.


For such a time as this,

Chris, Angie, Jael, Baruch and Titus Walker


PS.  Picture is of a recent bake sale Jael participated in…she’s raising money for a pet tree kangaroo!  The perks of being an MK!






Monday, June 22, 2009

[What's What With the Walkers] Waiting and Resting


Restful time in Madang

            Last week we spent a much needed time of fellowship and rest with fellow co-workers in Madang.  Madang is a small town on the northern end of Papua New Guinea on a small peninsula which has a bay on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other.  During this time of rest, in between swimming trips to the ocean and shopping, our family unexpectedly played host to four Mibu men as they prepared to take part in our upcoming translation check.  So that first weekend we had a small Mibu church service in the guest-house living room.  For months Chris had been hoping to introduce the Mibus to the book of Proverbs, what precious opportunity and fellowship. 


Change in Direction

            Also during our time in Madang we were able to discuss with leadership various disagreements that have come to light within the Mibu team.  Despite hopes to resolve these disagreements, it has now become evident to both the team and field leadership that the Lord is directing our team in different directions.  Out of respect to all involved, we will simply say that these disagreements are a matter of strong personal convictions and ministry philosophy which currently appear to be irreconcilable.  As difficult as this change is, we take comfort in Paul’s example with Barnabas…two missionaries who also had severe disagreements and went their separate ways.  Two missionaries who as a result, saw ministry multiplied and blessed as a result of parted ways.   We take particular comfort in the fact that years later, Paul and Barnabas (and John Mark) were able to come together in fruitful ministry again, and be a blessing to each other while doing so.


Next Assignment?

            So, what does this mean for us?  How we wish we had a complete answer.  Here is what we know.  The Lord has already made it abundantly clear to us that He would have us continue here where we are and continue to get Jael the help she needs with school.  Chris will continue at the Computer Department, where the guys there have made it clear that he is a very welcomed addition.  Jael will be re-evaluated sometime this coming school year.  It is everybody’s hope that the rate of progress she has shown already will continue, and that come the end of next year, she will be caught up with her classmates, and we might have the green light to resume homeschooling.  At that point, we will see what options are available for us.  Our utmost desire is to be used of God in furthering his kingdom here in Papua New Guinea, and in the Madang province even.  The opportunities to serve are endless!!  When the time comes, we will work together in fellowship with our leadership here on the field, and our supporting churches and individuals in seeing what the Lord might have for us next.  Continuing in the computer department, serving all our church planting teams field-wide?  Serving in some support role in Madang?  A new church plant somewhere in Madang or PNG?  Helping an older work finish their task?  God knows, and He will continue to direct our paths as He so faithfully has.  (If you have any questions, please by all means feel free to correspond with us.  Also our Madang Regional leadership have stated that they are happy to discuss any questions you may have as well.  Please contact

            In the mean time, we covet your prayers for our hearts as we seek closure for the work in Mibu, and that our hearts would be open to whatever the Lord has for us in the coming months and years ahead.  Also, PLEASE continue to pray for the church in Mibu, for their growing and maturing faith, and the witness they are to the areas around Mibu.  Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support.  This is not at all what we had envisioned as we were returning to PNG, but we see the hand of God in the entire thing, and we will not question His means or timing.


Here because of HIM,

Chris, Angie, Jael, Baruch and Titus Walker


If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this e-mail, your message will be redirected to us.


Chris and Angie Walker
Sent out by Calvary Church of Wayland Mi, to serve with
New Tribes Mission
planting churches among the Mibu People of
Papua New Guinea.

Business address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
1000 East 1st st.
Sanford, FL  32771

Home Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
1134 - 122nd Ave
Martin, Mi 49070

Field Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
Private Mail Bag
Madang MP 511
Papua New Guinea

Important Family Dates.
Titus 03/21/08, Baruch 09/08/04 Jael 02/24/01 Walker Anniversary 06/21/96 Chris 03/25/76 Angie 08/12/77

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

[What's What With the Walkers] Another Mibu saint goes home [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Chris & Angie Walker included below]

What a week.  This last weekend, we heard news from our co-workers in Mibu that Yoonare was very sick and had a bowel obstruction.  After a coordinated effort, she was medivaced to the hospital in Madang on Monday.  Initial prognosis was not good.  Almost from the beginning, the doctors believed she had cancer, though to what extent was not sure.  They ran a battery of tests, and although they were still waiting for the official results, again, initial look confirmed cancer.  The doctor sat down with Ketang (a Bible teacher in Mibu) and Yoonare on Wednesday or Thursday and shared the difficult news that this sickness that she had was not something she was going to get better from.  A good friend, and other co-worker was able to act in our stead and be there for Ketang and Yoonare…making daily visits to the hospital, seeing that they had everything they needed, praying together with them, and just being a hand to hold and a shoulder to lean on.  He relayed to us that after hearing this news, Ketang said that he was ok with that.  That “we belong to God, and when He says it’s someone’s time to go, it’s time”.  Then, this morning, I got a call from our friend’s wife, saying that he had just called to say that she was gone.


Just a little bit about Yoonare.  She and Ketang have been actively involved with the church planting ministry from day one of our arrival in Mibu.  Both of them were vital in helping our team learn the Mibu language, and helping to understand their culture.  They often went out of their way to help with various projects, and were very patient and gracious with us in our learning progress.  When it came time to present the gospel, they both paid attention with rapt interest.  They both fell in love with God, and later, His Son, Jesus Christ.  They were among the first to make professions of faith, and actively retaught the lessons they had learned in their home to their children.  They were both quick to internalize the gospel, and let it change the way they saw the world around them.  They were a great team together in a culture where affection and true camaraderie with your spouse is not always present.  They were not perfect, but they were growing.


Needless to say, Yoonare is going to be sorely missed.  By her husband, her children and grand children, her friends, the church in Mibu, and us.  I’ve attached a picture that depicts how I will always remember her…with her radiant smile.  Pray for her family, as they grieve their loss, and figure out how to go on without her.  Praise the Lord with all of us, that her suffering is over forever, and has been welcomed home by her Creator!


The Walkers


Attachment(s) from Chris & Angie Walker

1 of 1 Photo(s)

If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this e-mail, your message will be redirected to us.


Chris and Angie Walker
Sent out by Calvary Church of Wayland Mi, to serve with
New Tribes Mission
planting churches among the Mibu People of
Papua New Guinea.

Business address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
1000 East 1st st.
Sanford, FL  32771

Home Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
1134 - 122nd Ave
Martin, Mi 49070

Field Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
Private Mail Bag
Madang MP 511
Papua New Guinea

Important Family Dates.
Titus 03/21/08, Baruch 09/08/04 Jael 02/24/01 Walker Anniversary 06/21/96 Chris 03/25/76 Angie 08/12/77

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

[What's What With the Walkers] Clearer Direction [2 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from Chris & Angie Walker included below]



Thank you so much for your prayers on our behalf these last couple months.  We have much to share, and all are a result of your prayers.



Trip to Mibu—Recap


Chris and Ron’s trip to Mibu was everything we hoped it would be.  They made the initial 12 hour hike with no mishap, and their little entourage grew as they got closer to Mibu.  Once in Mibu, Chris had a wonderful time reconnecting with the church in Mibu, friends and co-workers.  It was neat to hear how the believers desire to see us back, and yet how they were coming to understand that it’s not us, but God building his church there.  It was also wonderful to get to worship and celebrate Easter with the Mibu believers, and observe as the Mibu Bible teachers conducted the service.



Half and Half—A Foot in Two Worlds


While in Mibu, Chris also had the opportunity to discuss with Geoff some of those elusive “details” that we had mentioned in an earlier update.  Because of Jael’s needs with learning and having to be close to the school and the help available here, we have been praying and seeking direction for a way that would allow us to be here in close enough proximity to the school, and still somehow fulfill the commitment we have to the church in Mibu.  After much prayer, consideration, talking with leadership and co-workers, and saying no to some other very exciting opportunities, we have devised a plan that we believe will serve both needs.  While Chris continues to help out at the Computer Department, they have been more than generous in agreeing to allow Chris the time to return to Mibu with the family during the school breaks, as well as additional time after the family returns to the center for Jael to go to school.  Essentially, looking at the number of work days…Chris’s time will be split in half between the computer department, and ministry in Mibu!   It is a plan that will involve a lot of travel, planning, expense, and some separation over the coming year.  But, we are excited to be able to spend as much time in Mibu as we can.


Jael continues to make great progress in school.  We are quite hopeful that at the end of next year, we will be more suitably equipped to move our family back into Mibu and resume home schooling.  Having said that and knowing that there are no guarantees, we will continue to do what is necessary to see that she gets the help she needs.


Thank you again so much for your prayers.

Attached are some pictures of the trip to Mibu.

Because of HIM,

Chris, Angie, Jael, Baruch and Titus



Attachment(s) from Chris & Angie Walker

2 of 2 Photo(s)

If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this e-mail, your message will be redirected to us.


Chris and Angie Walker
Sent out by Calvary Church of Wayland Mi, to serve with
New Tribes Mission
planting churches among the Mibu People of
Papua New Guinea.

Business address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
1000 East 1st st.
Sanford, FL  32771

Home Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
1134 - 122nd Ave
Martin, Mi 49070

Field Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
Private Mail Bag
Madang MP 511
Papua New Guinea

Important Family Dates.
Titus 03/21/08, Baruch 09/08/04 Jael 02/24/01 Walker Anniversary 06/21/96 Chris 03/25/76 Angie 08/12/77

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

[What's What With the Walkers] A visit to Mibu


Dawn Departure

Not so bright and early Thursday morning, Chris will catch a ride with some of our most esteemed NTM pilots, and fly to the airstrip in Nankina.  From there, he and our friend, Ron Green, will hike about 5 miles (as the crow flies) down one ridge, up another, down that side, and up again to arrive at our place in Mibu about 12 hours from when they land (yes, 12 hours to hike 5 miles)!


Hiking Buddy

Ron Green and his family are here in Papua New Guinea as associate missionaries for the next couple years.  He works in the finance office, helping to keep the nightmare of figures and logistics of working with several different currencies afloat!  They arrived in country about the same time we did a few months ago, though they also served here a couple years ago.  He and his wife Rebekah have three children, Mullen, Clara (Jael’s age) and Lindsey (Baruch’s age).  They live just across our back yard from us, and besides providing our kids with endless playmates, they have also proven to become dear friends.  Ron mentioned at one point that he liked the idea of him hiking in to Mibu sometime with Chris, and we, ever willing to help others get the bush experience of their lives, took him up on that offer!


Encouraging Hearts

The purpose of the visit?  Well, in one sense, just to visit!  To appear in the flesh to the Mibu people after being away for 2 years and communicate to them our intention of one day returning.  To encourage the church, who are dear friends.  And to see and hear for ourselves how our friends are doing!!  Chris will have the much needed opportunity to brainstorm with Geoff about details and ideas for the coming year and what our role might be in the ongoing ministry there.  It will also give Chris a chance to see our house and how it’s fared in our long absence.  We will have the chance to encourage our co-workers as well, Geoff and Shannon Husa, who have been in Mibu on their own for almost a year!  And to be there over the Easter holiday will be so special!



The visit will be, and feel, very short.  But it will be the first of what we hope will be many visits to come!  Pray for Chris and Ron as they hike.  Pray for safety and health.  Pray that the visit will be one of tremendous encouragement for all involved!  Pray that Geoff and Chris might have a good dialogue concerning next year.  And pray for the Green and Walker families as they are gone.  OH, how this family wishes they could go as well…but it is not yet time for us—soon!!


We look forward to sharing more details!!

Because of HIM,

Chris, Angie, Jael, Baruch and Titus Walker

If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this e-mail, your message will be redirected to us.


Chris and Angie Walker
Sent out by Calvary Church of Wayland Mi, to serve with
New Tribes Mission
planting churches among the Mibu People of
Papua New Guinea.

Business address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
1000 East 1st st.
Sanford, FL  32771

Home Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
1134 - 122nd Ave
Martin, Mi 49070

Field Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
Private Mail Bag
Madang MP 511
Papua New Guinea

Important Family Dates.
Titus 03/21/08, Baruch 09/08/04 Jael 02/24/01 Walker Anniversary 06/21/96 Chris 03/25/76 Angie 08/12/77

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Monday, March 30, 2009

[What's What With the Walkers] Responding Creatively

The Challenge

There have been some changes in our plans, and I guess we had hoped to have more of the details in place before we sent out an update.  However, the details are going to take some time in coming, and we want to keep you informed in the mean time.


It has been determined that Jael’s learning needs are greater than what we can provide for her in the bush at this time.  So, we have decided to make it possible for Jael to continue in the school here, where she can get the needed specialized one-on-one training that she needs.  As you might guess…this means some changes for us.


Our original plan was to move back into Mibu this summer.  However, in providing what is needed for our daughter that would not be possible.  Here is where we wish we had more details to share with you.  J

Responding… for now

We are in the midst of communicating with our team, and with others here about a possible ministry that would allow for us to remain here where Jael can get the help she needs, but would also allow for us (primarily Chris) to continue our ministry in Mibu as well.  This plan could potentially involve a LOT of traveling, some separation, and needs a HUGE amount of wisdom, planning, creativity and prayer.  As we work out the details please pray with us!  While the decision to keep Jael enrolled at the Christian School here in Goroka was clear, it was still difficult to make.  Nevertheless, we are at peace, knowing that as we are seeing to the needs of our children first, everything else will fall into place.



Although we haven’t shared many details (alas, those elusive details), we would ask you to pray specifically for these things:

  1. That we would be sensitive to the Lord’s direction
  2. That we would find a way to resume a ministry in Mibu, if that’s what the Lord has in store
  3. That Jael will make significant progress during this next year in school
  4. That our hearts would know peace
  5. That we will be a blessing wherever we find ourselves


Thank you so much for standing with us during this time.  We will keep you posted, and will fill in those details as they become known to us! 


Here because of HIM,

Chris, Angie, Jael, Baruch, and Titus Walker

If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this e-mail, your message will be redirected to us.


Chris and Angie Walker
Sent out by Calvary Church of Wayland Mi, to serve with
New Tribes Mission
planting churches among the Mibu People of
Papua New Guinea.

Business address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
1000 East 1st st.
Sanford, FL  32771

Home Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
1134 - 122nd Ave
Martin, Mi 49070

Field Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
Private Mail Bag
Madang MP 511
Papua New Guinea

Important Family Dates.
Titus 03/21/08, Baruch 09/08/04 Jael 02/24/01 Walker Anniversary 06/21/96 Chris 03/25/76 Angie 08/12/77

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Friday, March 6, 2009

[What's What With the Walkers] 4 years later, and still stories of change!!!


            We appreciate your prayers for Jael as she has adjusted to school here.  Although there are days where it’s a real emotional struggle, overall it’s been a very good move!  The progress we are seeing is very encouraging.  She is reading more and more on her own, and either accomplishing or coming close to accomplishing many of the goals she has set for herself (like reading her Bible…at least parts of it).  The struggles that she has had have provided perfect opportunities for us to talk with her about God’s will and plan for her life…both in the future, and for the here and now.  There are so many stories I could share that mark clear progress, but I would go on and on, so I’ll spare you!  If you want more details…feel free to write and ask!!



            When we first arrived back to PNG, we shared how we had the opportunity to see our partners, the Husas!  Joey (as representative of our other partners) recently was in PNG, making a brief visit to encourage the Mibu church.  This last weekend, Chris traveled to Madang in order to visit with Joey on his way out of Mibu going back to the states.  The reunion was one of encouragement and excitement!  Although the meeting was very short, the fellowship was sweet and very worth the effort made for Chris to get to Madang!!  Now, more than ever, we are looking forward to the day when our team is reunited all together in Mibu, serving together in ministry.


Mibu Update

            We have received encouraging updates from both Geoff and Joey recently.  This first story, from Geoff, involves Tom, who was a former leader in the old ways for the Mibu people.  Tom attended teaching faithfully when we presented the gospel, and accepted it readily!  However, later he realized that this acceptance had caused his power to drop significantly.  Over the last several months, things have kind of come to a head with Tom and Geoff over spiritual issues.  It had become very obvious that Tom was struggling and wavering in his faith…if he indeed had faith!  He became more and more outspoken, and attempted to cause division (and indeed, he is of such a personality, that people DID follow his flawed way of thinking).  The church, however, saw what was happening…that he was struggling with the message of the true gospel, and the old ways.   After repeated attempts to help him, they decided to exclude him for a time.  Recently, we received an email from Geoff saying that Tom seems to have had a change of heart!!  He has been heard telling leaders in the church that he was wrong (even in front of some of his followers).  He admitted that he had been angry and was speaking out as he was because of his anger, and that it had been very wrong of him to do that.  He went on to explain that of all the different kinds of beliefs that he’s seen (the old ways in Mibu, and other “churches” he’s heard about), the message that is being taught now in Mibu seems to be the only one that truly follows God’s Word!, and that he does NOT desire to go back to the old ways.  These statements, as well as his actions towards some that he had confronted in conflict in the past, seem to indicate a true change of heart, and proof of the Spirit’s working in his life.  Praise God with us, and pray that he would continue to listen to the voice of God as he travels further down this road of faith.

            This next story is one that Joey shared with Chris while in Madang.  While in Mibu, Joey spent time with many different believers, including one named Bapake.  Bapake has been involved in the outreach to Titarapok…one of the newest outreaches in progress, and the 4th generational outreach from the Mibu church (Mibu to Tariknan to Yongem to Titarapok).  While discussing the outreach there, and no doubt with the incident with Tom in mind, Joey asked Bapake if he was noticing similar tendencies out in his area….if people were struggling with accepting the gospel, or if they too wanted to return to the old ways after hearing and seeming to accept the gospel.  I like Bapake’s response:

            “Are you kidding?!?  Why would we want to do that?  Before this message came to Mibu, we didn’t know what the end of the story was…that God had sent his son Jesus to pay for our sins.  When this message first came to Mibu, word spread all up and down these valleys…those of us that had heard it, we couldn’t contain it!  Once word got out that God has made a way for us…all these old ways became useless, and people just left them.  Everyone knows that God’s way is better…why would we want to go back?”  Again, the power of the message made crystal clear.  It would seem that this message is famous!  That people, maybe before they even hear all the details or have a full understanding, are already leaving the old ways in anticipation of this new way!  We will never tire of the thrill we get when we hear again of the evidence of the power of God and His word!!


Future Plans

            Our plan is still to return to Mibu sometime this summer.  We are in the preliminary stages of team meetings to happen sometime in June, and after that, depending on a couple different things, we will be returning to our home in Mibu!  Pray with us as we continue to plan towards that end.  There are many logistics and much communication that needs to happen before that time.  We continue to see God’s hand in this, which leaves us assured that things will fall into place, especially as we bathe it all in prayer!


Thank you,

Chris, Angie, Jael, Baruch and Titus Walker

If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this e-mail, your message will be redirected to us.


Chris and Angie Walker
Sent out by Calvary Church of Wayland Mi, to serve with
New Tribes Mission
planting churches among the Mibu People of
Papua New Guinea.

Business address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
1000 East 1st st.
Sanford, FL  32771

Home Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
1134 - 122nd Ave
Martin, Mi 49070

Field Address:
Chris & Angie Walker
New Tribes Mission
Private Mail Bag
Madang MP 511
Papua New Guinea

Important Family Dates.
Titus 03/21/08, Baruch 09/08/04 Jael 02/24/01 Walker Anniversary 06/21/96 Chris 03/25/76 Angie 08/12/77

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